Lost In Transit is a series of NeoScum-based works that explores the lives of others that were, like Zenith, raised by the Legacy of Adam corporation as artificially-enhanced, custom-augmented child soldiers. It primarily focuses around Aubrey, after a chance encounter with Zenith sends her life spiralling off-course, and the people she calls family; those from within the ranks of LoA, and those who have helped her build a life outside of it.
Lost In Transit consists of several main series fics, running concurrently with the events of the NeoScum podcast, and side stories which are set within the same canon but take place outside of the present day (summer 2077), are bonus scenes for main series LIT, and/or are otherwise not required reading for the main plot.
Lost In Transit consists of several main series fics, running concurrently with the events of the NeoScum podcast, and side stories which are set within the same canon but take place outside of the present day (summer 2077), are bonus scenes for main series LIT, and/or are otherwise not required reading for the main plot.